
*            Aaron: Dear friends, welcome tonight as we gather here with you to share our thoughts related to your lives and happenings.  I am Aaron, glad to be here again with you.  Our Father Michael extends his greetings through me to you tonight.  His deepest wish is that as we commune, we do not lose sight of the central relationship with God as, together, we ponder all that is going on for you, personally and in your various perspectives related to community and world affairs. 

It is easy to be distracted in a world where distraction is readily available.  So much information is shared each and every day, both positively and negatively, such that being able to stay focused on what is important is not always easy.  But if you begin your day by allowing yourself the time to be in relationship to your Inner Spirit, then it is far easier to manage what is happening, to sift through what is valuable and what is not. 

Here with you, we see personalities from different areas of your country, of your world, and so it would be easy to think that it is different for everyone how they must connect and realize their relationship to the spirit of God, but it is not.  The practices that are most effective in developing your spirituality are common among all people, even while there might be variations.  Sincerity goes a long way toward building bridges. 

So as you approach how you will be, remember these keys:
1. to get centered within
2. to then, as you go through your day, to remember to know that you have God with you personally
3. and then set aside the desire to be perfect and manipulate things so the best outcome occurs.  Rather, sincerely seek to be present in each situation for what it is, with your inner guide participating with you. 

Trust that your efforts will be fruitful with this sincere approach.  Those spirit born souls that you come across may have various distortions and difficulties in their lives, but your sincere desire to interrelate and to be connected will be recognized by their spirit.  Regardless of the outcome, you may feel strength in knowing this approach will be more effective to develop real communication than trying to “fake it ‘til you make it,” so to speak. 

I share this tonight in the hopes that as you deal with others throughout this week, you will keep in mind to bring God along with you and to know that wherever in the universes he is, that includes you.  You cannot be separate.  So trust in this, practice this, and know that we feel you will find some benefit, perhaps even great benefits in the recognition of commingling you and your spirit with others and their spirit in your sincere attempts. 

Perfect outcomes? Not necessarily.  Responses may not be as forthcoming as you might wish.  Some might be suspicious about why you are so friendly, or taken aback by your forthright manner, but in your approach you get to decide how you will be with God by your side, regardless of the outcome, and I’m sure some will recognize and see your light and resonate to that. 

I hope these words help you to ponder and to proceed as you feel inspired.  I am open to questions this evening, if you have any.

Q1: Aaron and family in heaven, I am feeling joy for your sharing and I would like to recognize to you that I am really happy about the support and love and instructions and your presence, and at this time I am able to recognize it to some degree.  Thank you.  I am really enjoying that.

*            Aaron: Yes, thank you for expressing.  We also enjoy listening to your sharing, as we do with each of you and can see the development going on in your lives.  Know that this is a camaraderie exercise that we are undergoing together, for I am a former mortal from another planet who has moved forward in my ascension, only to be given the opportunity to go back and provide instruction to those merely a couple steps behind me.  And this is the pattern of the universe, that you will learn and grow and then be expected to share what it is you know so that others may learn and grow. 

So as you see me, recognize I am no high spiritual being.  I am simply your brother and we all work in the universe of Michael and Mother to become all that we can be so that we may manifest the glorious destinies ahead of us.

Q1: Thank you for your companionship.

Q2: I would like to thank Aaron for sharing the importance of not having to be perfect.  It’s a message everyone can know.  And I appreciate his bringing that forward.  So thank you.  I really appreciate you sharing that.

*            Aaron: Thank you.  I was hoping that somebody would mention this, because I did have more to say regarding how you place the pressure on yourselves in your lives to try and be or do just the right things so that everything can be perfect.  This practice can be so exhausting.  Instead, if you are simply sincere and open and reaching toward others with your spirit and your consciousness, good things may happen.  They may not be the “perfect” things, but they will be good things, and probably ultimately will produce more perfection in eternity by your evolution in understanding that you do not have to have all the answers all the time.

Q3: I wanted to comment about sincerely trying to reach out to somebody because it reminds me of the importance of listening.  Sometimes just being a good listener is what somebody might need, so there’s nothing to do perfectly except being willing to listen.

*            Aaron: Thank you for your expression of spirit, as well, my friend.  I am filled with joy and contentment having this discourse with you, my friends, tonight.  Know that we are not above having emotion and recalling the things we grappled with in our lives as we work with you on the things you are grappling with in your lives. 

This is not a top down hierarchical model.  Know the universe is synergistic.  It is organic in how things develop spiritually from personality to personality, planet to planet, and yes, we have our Creator, our creative source that leads us all, but this is an all exuding presence that nurtures and uplifts and beckons rather than providing a list of “shall nots.” 

So know that we are in this together, as Machiventa has said recently.  We are working toward making it so more and more people recognize the potential to grow in relationship to the realization that the universe is part of your lives, the universe is friendly, and you are not alone.  So many would love to have this realization on your world.  There are many lonely people.  How we go about diminishing that loneliness is what we are brainstorming and working to achieve over time with those who would help join in the effort to bring this awareness about.