*      Amanson: Keep to your course. Follow the river. Leave all extraneous decisions and activities on the sidelines. The marrow of the matter is the extreme purpose to which you are being put – the sniffing out, if you will, of the Sacred, the Holy, the most precious gift on offer – the Oneness of Life. Life is a Unity, one complete whole seemingly divided into various disparate categories, which to the eye, to the touch, seems so. But it is not so. Your assignment, “should you choose to accept it” (ha ha) is to ferret out the reality behind the illusion; to keep track of the various clues connecting one term to the other; connecting the dots, as you say, but realizing (this is the assignment) the dots are all one Dot. The world and its inhabitants are led to believe in a false equation, an equation that, instead of providing solace and confidence and enthusiasm for life, rather instills a mistrust, a confusion, a deep-seeded suspicion one division of the other, and yet each division is merely a construct of the mind:  an apparent solidity to the senses but really just a shadow-show veiling the glorious Oneness behind it all. And why the shadow-show?

Variety is the joy of the mind. But wholeness is the home of the Soul. And the Soul – which lives in Spirit – is the foundation, the very purpose of the mind. So the mind engages, attaches itself to all the many tracks available to it and its insatiable curiosity, believing that this – the cover story! – is the whole of reality. But if it were, Life would be merely a light show, “nothing” as they say, “behind the curtain.” What the mind doesn’t realize is it is merely perusing the curtain. And if this majestic illusion – so full of detail and grandeur – is merely the curtain, what in the world could possibly wait behind so magnificent an abstraction? Oneness! A unified whole! Not one penny out of place. An unbridled “kelson of Creation.” Constant. Giving. Teeming. And yet, One.


 So don’t be satisfied with a superficial inventory of life’s seeming components and ingredients. Get to the bottom of things. Then the various components and ingredients really begin to offer up their treasures. Let your eyes, your ears, all your senses, know – “you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet!”