
*            I am Aaron.  Greetings, my friends.  Thank you for coming and allowing us to present our ideas to you.  Thank you for exploring what meanings and expectations mean to you.  These elements play a part in most everything you do in life, and therefore, the simple focus on how you perceive allows you to go deeper and understand tendencies perhaps, providing the ability to adjust and fine tune how you look at the various situations of your lives.  This is not simply an exercise in one particular area such as your spiritual development and how you perceive there, but an actual recognition tool that allows you to make adjustments in all areas of your existence. 

Crystallization of thoughts build creeds and lists of ways to do things and while some formalization and process is necessary in life, this practice of exploring your perceptions, and the meanings you apply to them, and the expectations you have, allows you to limit the degree to which you are either crystallizing your life or maintaining a sort of vibrancy in thought, in action, in process.  Thus, as you move forward in any area, keep this in mind.  When you feel stifled or are having turbulence in areas of your lives, explore how you are perceiving the situations and ask how you can perhaps broaden or expand how you view, how you will respond, and insert elements of exploration that maybe you would not have without consciously applying these principles. 

Of course, the biggest fulcrum brought to bear on this practice is your bringing it into your quiet time, your active asking for divine guidance as you relate to any particular area or issue.  We have seen you exploring, some of you, over the past time since our last meeting and can see this building some momentum toward viewing life from this place of vibrancy we mentioned, not simply being settled with how things have been, but also with asking the questions of how they can be.

Q1: I have a question, how can we help our youth today, the kids who have to do gun drills and how can we help the mental health of our youth today and young adults?

*            Aaron: This question you pose tonight is a serious one we have contemplated and actually have begun to put procedures into place to address in the coming time periods.  It is not simply a question of helping the children, or if you view all of you as children, then indeed, yes it is. 

Often as humans you address things in a sort of patchwork or piece meal style, looking to put out a fire here or there rather than trying to address the larger issues of dissatisfaction, of disagreement, that permeate societies that are polarized and fractured.  The greater questions have to do with how you all communicate with one another and build commitment toward shared processes that will bring about fundamental change in the nature of your societies.  There is a core element of understanding needed to address a multitude of difficulties and that is a shared commitment to meanings and values that are in consonance with those of our Creator.  The rebellion fractured this for your world and so the necessary elements of community and cooperation are not ingrained in a way that permeates your larger views. 

True change is on the horizon.  Much of the effort we are undergoing is to bring about a sense of community and cooperation, connection to something higher.  This involves not only our invisible efforts, but also efforts from people, such as you, who are asking for a change in their hearts, questioning what purpose there is, and responding to those spiritual ministrations that have been offered in response to their questions and asking and their prayers.  You are not alone in having this ministry.  It is growing, both consciously and in the unconscious and superconscious realms of people throughout your world. 

But at the very basic level, what we are sharing with you about expectations and meanings and values and how you can view and act in the world, these elements can be brought to bear on the circumstances you ask about.  How do we move aside from emphasizing differences to emphasizing commonalities and shared commitments toward providing better lives and livelihood for the children of this world, for their parents, so that people do not need to live in fear, or wonder where their next meal is coming from, or where they will find shelter, or get a drink of water.  This requires coming together rather than falling apart, and the steps you are taking in your own realizations are a part of the solution.  As more people speak up and encourage one another to communicate about these things, to have a deeper conversation, this will bring, over time, that sense of shared commitment to providing solutions, not only to the questions of children hiding under desks or going through drills to protect themselves, but for people everywhere to have a basic level of subsistence and a knowledge of their kinship with one another and with the universe and with the Source of all that is in the universe.

I know this is broad rather than specific, but I hope this has touched upon some of what you were asking about tonight, my friend.

Q1: It does.  Some days it feels so selfish to do my gratitude list and then hear about the war in Ukraine and hear about school shootings and sometimes it’s hard to stay positive, and today the news just kind of hit me in the gut because it’s so close to home.  But that helps that you say help is on the way.

*            Aaron: I understand and I wish I had a more immediate answer for you, but life still must be lived, and with courage people walk out their doors each day and face it and do their best.  Accidents and intentional acts happen and we can lament these things, but in the broader picture these practices I allude to this evening are the long term solution.  In the meantime, we encourage you to live your lives faithfully and to do your best and to be open more often than you would hide away.  Love your children, your grandchildren, and all those who are dealing with such circumstances throughout your world, for this is the tie that binds and brings that commonality and shared commitment, whether you know the soldiers struggling in battle across the world or not.  There are battles being fought in many places and so our task as ascending beings is to act and react as best we can in the circumstances we find ourselves in, and this is what you can encourage each other toward.

Thank you for taking this in a direction I was not fully prepared for, but these are the types of questions the world needs to be asking and when we have the opportunity to respond, we will do so to the best of our abilities, to hopefully try to shed a higher light and perspective and provide you with a sense of hopefulness toward actions that must occur both afar and in your own lives to bring about the solutions you desire.  So that is a long winded way of saying thank you for bringing it deeper.  Good evening, my friends.