Angel Felicia

*      Felicia: My dears, I am so glad to be here sharing in this way. I am an angelic presence and much of my effort is devoted to oversight and watch care. I am Felicia. I have been invited to share some perspective this evening regarding the idea of indolence, slothfulness - or laziness, perchance, is another word.  For the Universe views development somewhat differently than how it is perceived by human eyes on this unfortunately warped world where there is great emphasis placed on image, how one appears, the color of their skin, their hair, their eyes, and the various features which develop into what you would see as fashion statements of beauty.  And yet throughout the universes there is no perspective drawn related to one just being someone, being this way or that way. There is no preference or status given to simply having the fortune of falling into a category deemed to be beautiful or good looking, pure or chaste, simply by appearance.


The true watchword of the universe is ACTION. Regardless of your inheritance or genetic endowments, your worth is always ascertained by what you do, think, or act upon. I say this with a caveat, because your potential worth is invaluable, but the practical worth is recognized by your development. If you show us poor and destitute people, we look at how they manage within those circumstances, their creativity and curiosity and ability to explore ways to live within that and to rise above that. Similarly, if we look at one with billions of dollars or great worth materially, our view does not give credence to them simply because of status or inheritance, but what they do with those endowments.


Material life is not fair.  Both good and evil happenings manifest. Fairness comes at a greater degree as you develop spiritually in your journey towards Paradise. But here, the goal for will creatures is to become, to seek to understand and to grow, regardless of the circumstances you face.


I know some of the material in your revelatory papers refers to biological differences and, unfortunately, some of the manifestations on your world shortly after those papers were given cast those ideas in a deeply negative light. To understand racial differences from a spiritual perspective is not to look at greater or lesser, but simply how each manifests in pattern those traits that have been given in a way that, ultimately, on a normally functioning world, blends together in a way that future generations are greatly uplifted by the additions of each.


At its core, the idea I wanted to share this evening is that there is little, if any, judgement placed upon status merely because of circumstance or genetics. It is what you do with what you are given, how you use that and grow from that and become sensitive to the spirit leading, that can help to shine a greater light on how your actions manifest in ways that produce more truth. beauty, and goodness.


When you look at the world and its difficulties, hopefully the era of pop culture is fading, and the emphasis placed upon what people do for one another and with one another will be growing. It is not that there are no differences worth measuring or recognizing, but the value of what those differences are. What is true and beautiful and good? What is less than beautiful? What is not manifesting higher potential?


Understand that those who act, those who explore and those who create are not your enemy, but the challenge is how to bring that activity into alignment with pursuits that are noble and worthwhile. The lesser quality are those who sit in inaction and do not manifest, which is sad. But the reality of the spirit, and one’s sensitivity to it, is that you will be inspired to move and to act and to do, even if it is in your mind, in your writings, in your interactions with others, or in many other ways.


*      I am Aaron.  My friends, greetings. Thank you for allowing us to experiment and explore with you tonight. Ponder the words from our comrade Felicia and think about how it relates to life, both in your personal circumstances, and in the ways you view society.


Q1: Felicia said the key words: Life isn’t fair. So, as you know I am a therapist and there are probably anywhere from 7 to 12 % of the population that are psychopaths and they cannot feel love or empathy, they are structurally, neurologically different, as has been shown through functional MRI’s. Increasingly instead of in jails or prisons, I have found them increasingly in leadership positions, as chief executive officers and banking, insurance, and now almost all corporate structures...  Felicia talked about the laziness, the need for action to progress spiritually, so my question is for those who have a deviant brain that doesn’t have the ability to comprehend or appreciate truth, beauty and goodness, and in fact are averse to it because those features would not make them feel better in their need for grandiosity, power and control. So, what is their spiritual path? What do we do with them?


*     Aaron: Yes, thank you. This reality we face, working with you on a world such as this, is that there are difficult struggles destined to occur as these issues begin to be addressed. Our greatest emphasis is on providing ministry that would bring about sensitivity to desiring to explore patterns that break through some of these current patterns of activity on your world. Simply removing perpetrators without changing the mindset would initiate a new generation of perpetrators. There is a fine balance in how to keep a society stable while transitioning toward new ways of thinking and patterns of behavior. There are necessary elements of cooperation required to let the current generational thinking elapse as the newer generations discover and implement new types of models for leadership and what is attractive and desired in that regard. 


In some ways you are witnessing what could be the death throes of materialism, if sufficient inspiration occurs that will manifest change in behavior and leadership that is in consonance with the spirit. They are out there, these types of people with idealistic desires to bring about positive and growing change that shifts away from manipulation and greed and securing capital, and moves toward a society and cultures that emphasize cooperation and look for the greater good within systems that do not stifle the individual urge toward growth and betterment of one’s own life and livelihood. 


We recognize there are undesirable elements in leadership positions throughout your world. Barring Christ simply taking control over your world and doing away with activity deemed to be unspiritual, which is not likely to occur by the way, the solutions are to slowly put them out to pasture by heralding new ideas and new ways of thinking.  But it isn’t something that will correct itself overnight and yet, there are instances in countries around your world already where this has been and is occurring. 


The United States of America is a dynamic place but it is still a fairly young country with foolish notions that mix with its higher aspirations. Unfortunately, it has gained a level of dominance in some ways that seems to portray to the world that this is what is good and exciting and what freedom is, and while in some ways elements of freedom do exist, there are distorted ideas wrapped up in that which have been perpetuated.  Unfortunately, some other countries who desire prominence follow suit. But the unfettered greed and the consequences of it are prevalent and there for people to see, and many do not wish to align with that. The only question is how to extricate and bring about institutions and governments that will be more in line with the cooperative spirit and the betterment of those with less, so that society as a whole is uplifted, not simply watching the lifestyles of the rich and famous and seeing that as a yearning but unrealistic attainment for most.


Q1: I do have another question, and this is something that worries me very much for our children.  The video games are programming them for becoming violent killers by systematically numbing them to the reality of violence. The industry that glamorizes this for profit are damaging them. This really worries me. How do I work with parents on this?


*     Aaron:  We concur. This is problematic and yet there are signs that this will dissipate as a primary activity in the years to come. This does not solve the current issues that arise with children being given free license to explore without adequate watch care and guidance. This is something that we are discussing even in our conferencing.  Many of these issues you bring up about the problematic features you see in your world are topics of conversation amongst us as we look at how to bring about better ways, higher thinking. Until this generation’s parents recognize their responsibility to their children and to society, unfortunately, this sort of allowance and virtual babysitting that occurs is not an easy fix, for we now have generations of parents who have also been neglected and have decided this is the norm.


This is why we are here, if it helps, and we have to begin somewhere. We do not see it as darkly as you do, perhaps, because there is still a tremendous amount of beauty and goodness in the vast majority of people on your world. What gets seen in the media is not the norm even if it seems there are more of them. Most people still try to do good for their families, for their communities. I only would suggest or hope that you balance this recognition you have of these challenges with the other side of the coin and the immense beauty that occurs in the simple things - in simply getting your children up, dressed, fed breakfast and after conversation, getting them to school and bringing them home or to their secondary activities. And then neighbors talking to each other over their fences, mowing their yard and sometimes their neighbor’s yard. Picking up garbage when walking, looking for ways to smile at the grocery store - these don’t make it to the newspaper, unfortunately, but they happen all the time, everywhere. 


Shut off the media if it bothers you too much, and take some time to go look for the good and, perhaps, if you can’t find it, become a voice for it yourself.  Perchance you may be inspired to address some of these things by taking a break and stepping back and then re-engaging, as necessary.


You have also mentioned the arts and this has great opportunities to inspire many to consider other possibilities.  This generation could also use a rediscovery of the lure of the art of living and not simply the art of trying to be famous, for there is a mass-distraction in that effort to gain awareness by others of one’s existence. 


This is our challenge to groups like yours - to grow individually and together in ways that can provide this inspiration to others, by not preaching about it so much, but living it and pointing to the true light, which is not simply some artist or a singer singing a song, but a true spirit that will bring about all of that awareness of belonging and connection that many of these lost souls are seeking. You know this. You know what it is like to be filled with the spirit and to have that sense of loneliness and need for attention or many other factors dissipate by simply knowing your worth in the presence of our Creator. 


I would dare say that much of our effort is to bring about a renaissance in awareness toward rediscovering the art of living beautifully and truthfully, but I fully support your call toward action in the areas that will provide new leadership by having citizens recognize their worth and their power collectively.


Q2: I have a question about parents with video addicted kids and the challenges this brings with violence and other disconnection. Is this Lucifer legacy coming to an end? Could it really be the end of materialism? I want to write a handbook for parents to use with their children.


*     Aaron: Life occurs in trends. Trends do not necessarily go in a straight line. Therefore, we can only project and not tell you what is going to happen or when it is going to happen.  If the leadership of your world suddenly shifts to its polar opposite every four to eight years, it will be quite a chaotic journey. The challenge is to recognize that you do make a difference and that your efforts in this way help to perpetuate or change the trends. I am looking forward to reading your handbook on how parents can talk and provide their children with other ways and means to address the day-to-day difficulties they face. A suggestion and perhaps merely an observation that your thoughts have value.